The terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used in every-day speech without much distinction. However, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same. The Internet is a global data communications system. It is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides connectivity between computers. In contrast, the Web is one of the services communicated via the Internet. It is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs.
The impact of the Internet
There has been a huge, worldwide explosion in the use of the Internet. It is already changing the way we work, shop, bank and also the way we live.
The PC is becoming commonplace in many homes and there is a general acceptance that this is a way forward. Analogue phone lines are being replaced by faster digital lines (ISDN).Even faster high-speed digital connections will soon be delivered to households, offering a whole day connection to the Net. Many countries around the world are developing in communication technology via satellite, wireless and cable to enhance worldwide Internet access. Accesses to the Internet and its services have already become available through the use of digital TVs and mobile phones. The use of the Internet by many businesses, organizations and the general public has led to a rapid increase in the number of sites.
Clearly all these developments are going to change the way we work, live and experience life.
Information technology has had an impact on the way we work for quite some time, but the Internet has now added electronic mail (email), teleworking and video conferencing to the workplace.
The ability to work from home by means of a PC or laptop and since some communications link are increasing, and there are a number of benefits to the employer: Office running costs and overheads (rates, electricity, heating etc.) can be reduced, which in turn may reduce the need for office space. Travel-related problems may be reduced. It may tempt better staff to come and work for the company.
However, employers need to be able to trust their staff and be prepared to have less direct control over them.
There are so many benefits for the employee, likes; we can work from the comfort of your own home. There is no time wasted traveling and no travel costs. And it enables you to work around the needs of your family and/or children, giving you greater flexibility. It is more convenient - you can plan the working day to suit you, which could help reduce stress levels.
At the same time it can also take us some disadvantages, There is less opportunity to meet up with people and share ideas therefore teamwork is more difficult.
There may be more temptation to spend time on non-work-related activities.
The Internet and freedom of speech, No-one owns the Internet so anybody can post anything on it.
The Internet is a great source of information but it has also become the home of political propaganda, racism, pornography and other controversial or illegal material.
Apart from physically restricting access the only control is through some form of filtering software. Increasingly individuals and authorities are recommending some sort of control.
When the internet takes us more and more conveniences, we also must to consider the internet will take the crime. New technology brings with it new crimes and as a result some governments are setting up special units to deal with Internet crime. Concerns surround:
·the interception of credit card details and transactions online.
·hacking into personal, private files with criminal intent.
·fraudulent web sites taking credit card details from customers.
·the spreading of viruses through the Internet.
Internet security is a very important question. A number of steps are being taken to reassure the general public that the Internet is safe:
Data is encoded before transmission using encryption techniques which scramble the data. The data is then decoded at the receiving end (decryption).
The use of passwords and access level restrictions.
The use of firewalls (servers that filter incoming messages to protect LANs from viruses and hacking).
Tough penalties for offenders under the Computer Misuse Act.
Increased speed of access combined with digital, satellite and wireless technologies will see Internet use and the resources on offer continue to expand. In the home digital TV offering Internet access will enable home viewers to shop, bank, play games and send email. At work digital phone lines will offer companies high-speed communication enabling business to be conducted quickly, efficiently and with reduced costs. Access to video conference links will become commonplace.
Wireless technology (WAP) will support mobile phones offering hand-held Internet access. Pocket-sized units will link email to weather, news, travel, entertainment listings and holiday information. As connection speeds improve, banking, shopping and video conferencing will take place on the move, in the car on the bus, train or plane. On the road new systems will be able to pinpoint your car on an onboard computer which will provide access to road and traffic information. Car phones will link to the Internet allowing drivers to check their email.